Executive Coaching by Executive Oasis International, Toronto
Executive Coaching
Leading and growing a company is challenging at the best of times. Succeeding in the midst of turbulence and uncertainty is even more demanding.
We coach executives to develop the strategic agility to.
- re-chart your course in the face of changing business realities
- win support for shifts in corporate direction and structure
- achieve greater harmony and integration between their personal and work lives.
We are Pleased to Offer Virtual Executive Coaching.

Choose Your Oasis

How we can Help
Our executive coaching services will help executives:
- Gain a deeper understanding of their interaction style and its impact on the team, clients and suppliers.
- Manage stress so that it does become a barrier to team performance.
- Prevent negative spillover between work and home

Who we’ve Helped
We have designed and implemented customized solutions for organizations from 19 countries (e.g. Canada, USA, Jamaica, Barbados, Dominica, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Sudan, South Africa).

Our Approach
We will work with each executive to:
- set objectives and formulate a plan to attain them
- break them down into achievable action steps with clearly defined milestones
We will provide each plan in the form of a customized coaching summary.
To pinpoint areas for growth, we can include tools like:
- an emotional intelligence (EQ) assessment.
- confidential 360 degree feedback.
Next, we will meet on a regular basis, implement the plan and track progress.
Typically, executive coaching consists of a combination of one-on one-meetings and virtual coaching.
Finally, we can re-administer the assessment tools and measure the results of our work together.

Meet Our Senior Coach & President
Anne Thornley-Brown, President and founder of Executive Oasis International, has a solid track record as a coach and professional therapist.
Anne has an MBA from Schulich School of Business and an MSW from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
…Coaching now is part of the standard leadership development training for elite executives and talented up-and-comers at IBM, Motorola, J.P. Morgan, Chase, and Hewlett Packard. These companies are discreetly giving their best prospects what star athletes have long had: a trusted adviser to help reach their goals.
CNN Business
What our Clients Say About Us
Phillip Brown, Director, Human Resources & Administration, National Bank of Dominica 2nd engagement for Caribbean Development Bank (Barbados)
Anne has tremendous expertise as a team building specialist and presentation skills coach. It was an excellent investment. Not only did she connect with the group immediately, but she also had them fully engaged to the very end. I also personally benefited by sitting through a few of her sessions. I would certainly hire Anne again.
Mike Aoki, President, Reflective Keynotes
Anne is an excellent mentor who taught me years ago how the training profession operated. With her as my coach, I progressed from being a telephone customer service rep to being a full-time trainer in less than a year. A few years after that, I was promoted to Manager of Call Centre Training at one of the largest telecom companies in Canada.
Tracey Parnell, C.O.O., Executive Coach, Author & Speaker, Creativity Guaranteed
Anne was the light at the end of the tunnel, when I was in my corporate rat race. She stood for excellence, creativity and personability. I was surrounded by red tape, goverance and systems. I owe much of my success to teachers along the way and Anne was one of the early pioneers who are unforgettable, impressionable and represent a “life defining moment” in my journey.